Jouuue (JOUE)
Introduit par Jouuue Publishing
5,44 $
Parts disponibles
10,8 %
Droits associés
Durée de l'actif
Droits à vie
Dernier versement
30 147,72 $
Cap. marché
1 117 397,76 $
617 œuvres
À propos de Jouuue
Bolero deepens its partnership with the Parisian imprint Low Wood, unveiling the full array of sonic jewels housed within its publishing arm, Jouuue. From Urban Pop smash hits to underground New Gen gems, as well as best-in-class French Pop tunes, this publishing catalog comprises over 600 titles and continues to embody France’s music culture at its finest. Featuring contemporary sounds and complete discographies from artists that have left an undeniable mark on the musical landscape over the past five years, $JOUE is a testament to Low Wood’s exceptional ability to spotlight the right talent at the right time.
Cet actif a été introduit par Jouuue Publishing .